The ancient fairy folk were interested in how humans developed tools made from stone. They found a large lump of granite and crafted a magnificent broomstick as they didn’t want to miss out on the latest trends.
Sadly, it was too heavy for flight even with the most powerful anti gravity spells. However, the fairy folk soon realised that they had made a huge club which they could use for hitting things with. Thus the fairy folk invented foot jousting way before the humans.
The fairy folk were cold one day when they made a fire using some unusual green rocks and wood. They were puzzled to find some orange hard solid in the burnt wood the next day. Before they could investigate further, the humans found it and started making weapons.
Not wanted to miss out on the latest fad, the fairy folk mixed together copper and zinc to make a lovely bronze broomstick. It was OK but a bit clunky.
This rather green and corroded specimen is found in the UK underground Fairy history museum.
On a very cold day, in the middle of the ice age, the fairy folk had made a large fire with some orange rocks and wood. They used fairy bellows to get the fire very hot and were amazed to find some hard grey solid at the bottom the next morning.
They made lots of iron after that only to lose it all when the humans did a raid during the summer solstice when they were all out celebrating.
It made a very heavy, hard to handle broomstick which didn’t fly straight and rusted after a couple of months.
The 1950s were the beginning of the modern fairy era. Plastic was the latest most wonderful ingredient – according to the humans. Out with all the natural materials and in with the plastic.
The fairy folk crafted a light, colourful broomstick from Bakelite. It was a bit brittle and broke quite easily but it was modern and colourful and was a piece of art.
However, the fairy folk noticed their common land filling up with stuff and it didn’t seem to rot down.